2016年3月21日 星期一


It has been a long time since I last updated my blog. In the past few weeks, I have experienced something in my university lives. I am a Year 1 student, whose major has not been declared yet. Just last week, I have done something wrong which makes me loose my right of choosing major at the end of the year. It was the first time I feel so regretful after I have entered the university. To be frank, I am much lazier than I was in high school. Even I have successfully entered an university, I still do not know what my dreams and goals are. I always think about questions related to life, philosophically. But I never set an answer of any of those questions. I always thought that I still have time and opportunities to think about and make a decision. However, I finally realized that I have let go so many invaluable opportunities, as the price is quite high. I know the past has passed, what I have missed were irreversible. Well, I would not think about my past which was full of failure anymore. At this moment, I just want to try my best to give everything a try, hoping that I could find what I want among them. Wish me all the best.

2016年3月8日 星期二

